
Monday, April 4, 2011

I Don't Know What To Call This One. It's Mostly Going To Be About Sewing.

Yeah.  That's the best I could do.

A couple weeks ago, my sister called me out on the quilt that I stalled on.  "So... Cooper ate our comforter.  How's that quilt coming along?  Not that it's any hurry or anything, we've just been sleeping under a comforter with its guts spilling out."  Cooper's a dog, in case you were curious.  I had to admit that the quilt pieces were cut out... and some of them were sewn together... not very many of them, but some of them....

And I started feeling bad.  Since work has calmed down in the last couple weeks, I decided to get to work and stop being such a lazy bum.  It helps that the weather hasn't been very conducive to outdoor excursions lately.

Yeah, that's about three inches of water standing in our claypit.  I mean our backyard.  And a shovel and hose that have been there since September. 

See?  Gloom and doom.  And cops!  They were doing driving drills in the rain.  They do driving drills pretty much every day.  They also have target practice every day.  Living next to the police academy is AWESOME.

Anyway, so I managed to get my two-square pieces sewn into strips today.  I wanted to get the top completely assembled today, but I didn't have quite enough time.  Plus I got bored with it.

I dislike this ironing board.  It is the third I have gone through.  I KNOW WHAT I WANT AND I CAN'T AFFORD IT.

Isn't my sewing corner the adorablest?  PS those are not my real sewing shears.  My real shears rock much harder.

Here's a funny story.  When I was cutting out pieces, I carefully stacked them into 9 piles of 8 pieces for each color.  As I reached the end of my yardage, I started to worry.  I was pretty sure I was going to run out of the red stripey stuff.  It seemed wrong, since I'd had enough of the green and I purchased the same amount of each, but maybe I did something weird along the way.  And sure enough, I came to the end of the piece and found myself three squares short.  Whatever, I'm smart, so I decided to pull some scraps out of the trash and cobble them together into squares.  I did a good job matching up the stripes, and I don't think they'll be all that noticeable when the quilt is all finished.

Oh yeah, go MacGyver!

So I'm puttering along, happily sewing away and matching seams like a boss, and when I get toward the bottom of my two-square stacks, I notice something funny.  A few of the red-stripey stacks had extras!


MacGyver or MacGruber?  I AM AWESOME.  Ugh.  And yeah, I'm totally leaving the MacGrubered pieces in place.  One, because it's a funny story, and two, because I am not a perfectionist.  It's 3 squares out of 144.  That's, like, 2 percent.  98% is still an A.

And then this happened.

Oh, no.  Ohhhh, no no no...


And it was awesome.

The end.

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