A quick fly-by bullet-points list.
- I am still injured. I have run exactly half a mile since buggering up my ankle, and that was out of sheer stubbornness and stupidity. I suffered a setback of several days' healing time. I'm hoping that I'll be able to try again sometime next week, but I ain't gonna hold my breath. But hey! I'm only limping a little bit now!
- Work is still destroying any semblance of routine (even as far as theatre goes, which is Not Very). I have had the WEIRDEST schedule for the last two weeks. It'll improve after the weekend, though. The bizarro three-way-tech is over.
- I've stalled a bit on the quilt. My sister says she's not concerned about getting it soon (plus she knows me really, really well), so I'm not worrying much about it. It's just hard to work on outside of daylight hours, because the light in my sewing room suuuuuuuucks. It'll get done... eventually...
- I have a knitting project so close to finished I can smell it (smells kind of woolly) and I am so excited! I've been looking forward to this pretty much since the day the yarn arrived in the mail. Rest assured, I will post it here.
- SPRING IS VERY NEARLY HERE. I cannot express in words how this thrills me. If I were the video-making type, I might express it with a dance, but you'll just have to use your imagination (it's a very flaily, butt-wiggly, right-ankle-favoring kind of dance, in case you were curious). I have my minuscule backyard garden all planned out, I'm expanding my collection of potted things, and I have made the majority of my seed purchase. I'm not a flower gardener; they are very pretty but they don't go well with steaks and pork chops. I'll be growing cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, snap peas, pole beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, Swiss chard, carrots, radishes, salad greens, and herbs. YES.
- There are only about 8 or 9 weeks left on my contract for the season. Time to start thinking about a summer job... meh.
- Snow sucks. I like it at Christmastime and then I want it to go away and never come back. Until the next Christmas.
- Standing water in the backyard also sucks.
- But the standing water is also kind of welcome because it's not snow or ice! Yay!
- Just as long as it's GONE by the time I need to till my garden plot. Grr.
- Garden, garden, garden. I might have to temporarily change my name to Knit - Stitch - Run - Dig for a few months.
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